Saturday, October 6, 2012

I'm Lonely

7 weeks ago, I moved into this school. 7 weeks ago, my life changed. Now Im just a college kid that just trying to find his place upon this world. Eighth floor Thompson Hall is where I will be. Eighth floor and 9th floor are the only floors that I have friends in. Actually these 2 floors are the only friends I have. I feel so alone in this place.  I have yet to find my place here. Everyone seems to have made some great friends and me, well that's a different story. I haven't found anyone that i can relate to or anyone that I can call my best friend because of how much we are alike. Sure I have made some fends but will those friends be there for me when I need them the most. Will they be like the friends from back home? I wish there was someone here from home :(