Sunday, November 20, 2011


Welcome to the three day week ahead for me at school then to Thanksgiving. Today i decided to clean out my itunes and get rid of songs i dont listen to anymore. in the process of doing that i listened to them one last time before i deleted it and boy each song had so much memory. There was one song where it played just the first note of the song and a memory appeared in my head. It makes me sad knowing that it really is senior year. So many of my friends i will never see again. So many of them that i loved will never be with me anymore. Its time to move on but yet im so scared to.

Freshman year: This was a defining year for me. So many times really happened that year. I really dont know why but i dated a couple of people that year. Started off the year with a person i dated 3 other times but this time it was the final time. Even though things happened we still are able to be best friends. Later in the year i dated another girl. Its really sad but i still remember what she was wearing on that day. We didn't last long because i was stupid and a typical guy. I wasn't thinking about the consequences of what had happened. Yet to this very day i still regret what i did and still wonder what could of been. Yet also still to do this day your parents still give me crap about it and still to this very day i try to fix what i did and hope for another chance but yet i know that i probably will never get one again and i get it because of what i had done and how much i hurt you. 

After her, it was another girl. She was one pretty cool chick and she came from SACS. I truly did love her a lot but things happened, events happened and i just truly could not continue anymore. She was a great chick. Nowadays we are pretty much just slighty friends but not really. I look back on it at times and really feel sorry for being a dick to you. But at the time it just had to be done. 

After sophomore year I went pretty down-low on the whole dating scene and have only dated one person since then. It was really only a month long but it was fun. There really isn't much to say because there really isn't anything i regret. We knew it could happen and it did and oh well. 

Still chasing for the one person 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

My weekend thoughts

It's so weird to think that just a month from now we will be half way through the school year, half way through your senior year, half way to finishing up the school. The final year to see everyone, to make friends that will be there for you in the long run. Last week was pretty interesting to say the least. Started off having some people over. Then went to Han's birthday "party" at the mall. That was really fun to say the least. Met a new person while i was there, her name, Janine and she is an interesting character and really fun to talk to. Also there, i found out that i was squishy? That is such a lie! I am not squishy at all. >.< I like my fat on me. I know this is getting off topic, but im watching glee right now on Hulu. It's the episode where they have a "leprechaun" on it. Britney was into believing that there was one, but he was a new student at the school and everyone was making fun of him. It so weird that even on Glee, i can relate to the things that are going on in my life in a non literal way. Anyways back to what i was saying earlier. I have fat and not squish. :P It is just so weird that i can bond with these people who are from my age to five years younger than me better than i can bond with some of my friends now. I feel as though when i said earlier about it being he final year to see everyone and make the friends that will last a lifetime, that i really wont have any of that. I just really fail right now at making and keeping friends. Maybe it's because I'm going to a different school, but maybe I think that im just a horrible person. People just don't wanna be around me anymore. Sometimes i can see it, channeling their hatred of me into me, while others just talk bad. Sure i really don't care what others think but maybe, im just going to leave my life alone and away from others. Maybe that's the way it should be. I just do not know anymore.



Oh yes, let us begin with the aquatic F-word, freestyle. Truly a dull and unimaginative stroke. Left arm, right arm, left kick, right kick. We detect a pattern here. What kind of person finds intellectual stimulation in this sort of repetition? Clomp, clomp, clomp. Freestyle is an elephant's stroke, all apologies to elephants. It is a stroke for people who stop at yellow lights and excel at algebra. Informal polling has led us to conclude that, to a person, freestylers prefer Windows to Macintosh, Kenny G to Miles Davis and day to night. Coaches wanting to see eyes literally bug out of sockets need only move a freestyler to the breaststroke lane. Yes, Virginia, there is more to life than catch-up drills and flutter kick. 

Breaststroker's recommendation: Use this stroke for warmups only. 


We have many questions to ask of the world's backstrokers. First, what is the matter with you? That's right, you heard us. What is your problem? Do you not realize that you are upside down? Does light not shine in your sinister eyes? Are you reptiles with a second pair of eyelids, opaque in nature, that protect you from the sun's rays? Speaking of eyes, what about the ones in the backs of your heads, allowing you to spot the wall? Is it true that you can see through Speedos? And what of your start...crouched in front of the blocks as if praying to your "god." Who sent you to Earth? What have you done with Elvis? And why, when you grab at our private parts in practice, do you pretend that it is an accident? 

Breaststroker's recommendation: Skip this one altogether; it is wholly unnatural. 


Good Lord. When will this most violent of strokes be committed to an insane asylum? With a recovery that emphasizes arms oustretched and hurling dangerously through the air, we wonder how many more breaststrokers have to be smacked across the face by an errant flier's paw before this experiment gone awry is canceled. Butterfly is a bad seed, borne out of breaststroke and mistakenly given its own place in the medley relay. The loud uncle of swimming, butterfly boorishly hogs the remote control, making all the other strokes watch football on Thanksgiving Day. We cannot help but think that witnessing butterfly is like babysitting a spoiled child who constantly screams, "look at me!" 

Enough, butterfliers, enough. It's time to grow up. You are making a scene. You are hereby grounded to your room, where you shall consume copious amounts of Ritalin and think about the turbulent waves your savage dolphin kicking has caused decent, hardworking breaststrokers. 

Breaststroker's recommendation: Swim only if you want to scare little kids out of your lane. 


Breaststroke is all that is noble and good in this cruel world. Many deities, including God, Allah, and John F Kennedy Jr, enjoy the solitude of this most subtle of strokes. Unlike its neanderthal brethren, breaststroke has refined tastes. It reads the New Yorker and paints abtracts with oil. It hates both Demi Moore movies and the first half and last fourth of the IM. Breaststroke, we suspect, enjoys a martini now and again. (Contrast this with the alcoholic butterfly, which pounds Budweisers from cans, shoplifted from a 7-11). It soothes the inner beast and acts as a gentle tonic on a troubled heart. In fact, whenever we use our upgrade coupons to fly first class, just thinking about breaststroke drowns out the moaning of the rabble back in coach. 

Breaststroke, you see, is in harmony with the universe; its pull and kick chase one another in playful symmetry. And if that weren't enough, breaststroke also boasts the crown jewel of competitive swimming, the pulldown. Comprised of a long sinewy pull followed by a spry frog kick, the pulldown is a holy moment of shrouded watery silence. Breaststrokers go to chapel during the pulldown, (often giving thanks that they are not backstrokers), and break to the surface only when their brave lungs are nearly burst. We have yet to see the fishkick or streamline that invokes such spiritual repose. Breaststroke is Yin and Yang, Rum and Coke, and the Captain and Tennille. Man does not go to breaststroke, man waits for breaststroke to come to him. Amen, brothers and sisters. 

Breaststroker's recommendation: Join us.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Complainers and whip

What a week it was and its only tuesday night! First off yesterday was Halloween and i went trick or treating for the last time as a child. It was so fun, best halloween ever (: Second thing i need to address is the woman. Sure i may like you, but you can only whip me so much. After that, its gets annoying and its not too pretty >.< No matter how much i like a person, they will never be able to whip me at all. You go down that road and it may be the end for you. Sure, you ask for most things and ill probably do it depending on the situation. Most of the times its cool and ill be able to handle it but there that few percentage where its just nagging. That leads me to my next point, people that complain! URG! Everyone complains but when you complain about every single thing, whats the point of that. Everyday you complain about your boyfriend, how stupid your life is, how rough your life is and how you cannot stand school lunch. Dont even look at me with that face if your going to complain about your life because i have come to a point where i do not even care anymore and i just wanna smack you. If everyday you complain about how gross the school lunch is, even though it is not even that bad, then stop getting school lunch and get lunch from home! No one forces you to get lunch at school. So why dont you get off your lazy bum and make your lunch before coming to school. Complaining from you gets really old and no one cares anymore about it. Speaking of no one caring, people like to talk up their ass. If i look at you and i look bored, please dont say i look tired because you just talk about the same subject for the past 10 minutes by yourself and no one has responded to your conversation and many just ignored it. Blah today was just a mess up day for me. -_-

Signing out