Sunday, November 18, 2012

Forever alone?

In 9 minutes, I will be here for three months. In these three months, I can say I have done almost nothing. I have spent my time just doing nothing pretending to make friends but in the end I have made none. I can sum up my three months into just a couple words: Sleep, School, gaming. I can say that slowly I'm starting to talk less and less to people and become more and more isolated. On the brighter side of things, I changed roommates and now him and I get along quite nicely. Besides making sure we go to class, all we do is League of Legends together. Right now my sitting in the lounge with three of the "closest" friends here. I wish I knew more people here. The people here aren't the people that I would be friends with. I think the worse are the people from Kappa Psi. They always think that they are better than all of us. They just make it sound exactly like I would of pictured them to be, just big douches. I wish I had more friends here. 

Forever alone