Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lots of thoughts

So here I am once again at a friends house... Sitting in the same spot I usually sit. Today has been a very interesting day to say the least. Even though I went to school today, it didn't really seem Ike it at all. After class I hung out at schmitty house and another friend and we pretty much played a bunch of games. After that I had to head out and pick up M. to go to a birthday party. Anyways we head to the birthday party and it was pretty chill. I was able to flip and then 5 of us laid on the tramp and just talk and had fun. It was just a very nice night to say the least. Maybe my crush for 5 years is over. I feel as though it's like that. I just pretty much gave up right before homecoming. I was going to ask her to the dance but idk something inside me told me not to. Oy I mean I still like her but there no way anything can happen between us ever again. It was a one time thing and I blew it. I just have to learn to move on but that's always the hardest thing to do. Anyways on another note M and I have been hanging out a little bit more(: and that's pretty cool to say the least. So after the birthday party we all head to another friends house to chill for a little bit and we watched a movie well half a movie before we had to leave.

Sure it was a great night but I just wonder sometimes why I am friends with who I'm friends with sometimes. A lot of times I feel like I just don't belong with them. They all bonded so well together and well I just drifted away to college leaving them all behind. Sure it's my fault but I try to stay friends with them but it seems like they are pushing me away. It's days like these I wonder who my friends really are.
As far as I know so far and what's really happened, I feel like I only have one best friends and a couple good friends. The one best friend is pretty amazing I gotta say, just like in the last blog she done amazing things. Like for instant, she really taught me how to be a better friend then I ever were before. And her stories, sure they help me with depression but they also help me get my mind off things. She makes my days better in a week than most people do in a year. She just amazing to say to the least. (:

Anyways tonight will be interesting as well as I'm driving M to another birthday party and I'm broke this time with no presents -_- you know I kind of like this girl. She pretty cool. Well hopefully a good night tonight

Talk to y'all soon

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