Friday, October 7, 2011

Texting and people.

So today I wanted to talk to you guys about people. Just people in general and how I feel about things.

First off, I text a LOT but there is really only one person I end up texting now. Nope sorry no names here but she may not know this( but she probably does) but she is amazing in every way. She has helped me so much over the past two years, I think, and then she helped me more with things she didn't even know she was helping me with. That is how amazing she is. Whenever I need to go talk to someone about something urgent, I always turn to her because I can rely on her answering the text and for her to be there listening. And if she doesn't that fine, we usually end up finding a time to do it. In the end I pretty much owe my life to her because without her, I wouldn't be where I am today, still kinda depressed in a way but nothing as bad as it used to be.
Answering a text is pretty important sometimes, when you need to get a hold of someone texting just see to be the way to go unless it's an emergency then obviously you call them. But like me, what if I want to talk to someone about something that seems important in my life that cause be very life threating or life changing and the person i want to talk to about this doesn't answer their text. Thats pretty lame -_- Don't you agree? I have just come to a point in my life where if you wanna talk to me then you will find a way to get a hold of me. I always have my phone with me and if you ever need anything I'm there for yah. Sure maybe they just don't respond one or twice that you text them but what if you text them numerous times and they don't answer back. It makes you feel pretty lame in that you were thinking about them wanting to talk to them but were they doing the same? Nope they didn't even care enough to send a simple text saying "Hi(:" or "heyy" back and they constantly ignore all the text you send them in the future. Well if people do that, they can have fun by themselves without me because whats the point of being friends with someone that just doesn't even care enough to talk back to you?
So yeah guys, that my take on texting and people (: