Friday, March 30, 2012

Second chance

I know this may sound hypocritical but... to be honest i really truly love you, like I haven't fought this hard for anyone. Sure i know that you may feel different about this but everyone deserves a second chance to figure things out. Maybe it will work and maybe it won't. Who knows, Things are meant to happen in twos so a second chance is something i feel like i should get. This time maybe it will work and if it does then yeah:D but if it doesn't we dont even have to see each other anymore after this and we can go along with being friends and knowing that it was not if it was not meant to be. I told you in person that i would not sway your thoughts one way or another but in writing i said nothing. Its just so hard to speak when you know that you want something else, that you passion for something else. Its just so hard to go on knowing that maybe if you tried just a little bit harder that you might actually get somewhere with what you want. just MAYBE. Maybe there is a chance of it and maybe not but i feel like now i just say maybe too much.

There are things that i just never say to the person for it may cause them to be awkward. But this may be my last chance to say anything at all. Now I'll just say what I was too scared to say before.
Surely you may not know this but you have been the only person to put a smile on my face when i am down and you wouldn't even have to say anything at all. When we were going out, that was the best month I have ever had, maybe not for you, but for me it was amazing. After the whole thing ended, it was like there was a void of emptiness that i couldn't fill with anything. I just didn't know what to do with myself anymore. Sometimes I do not understand why i still chase after you even though knowing that i would be the one to suffer the most out of this. Sadly i think of you constantly, I do not know how to get you out of my head. Sometimes i feel like its not a bad thing at all.

I got the perfect idea now! This may sound very stupid but, maybe we should just start hanging out again, watching movies, catching up on old tv shows, and from there on out whatever happens happens. One final run for it or done. I just want things to be like they were last year (:
  Honestly I cannot see you not in my life.