Thursday, April 26, 2012


Today was the first day I started watching Dance Academy and to be honest its not that bad of a show. I kind of like the drama that is in this movie. Then again, I am like a chick when it comes to movies but I don't care, I like the drama that these shows have. It makes me think less and its able to get me thinking of something else. Today's topic? Boobs! The big question among guys, ass or boobs and while most would say ass, this kid is definitely a boob person. I just find that boobs are way more entertaining then butts. Just like I like short people I also like smaller boobs, the ones that are just the right size to hold and not big ones. Big boobs don't seem to excite me as much. Without clothes on big boobs aren't so great but the nice small boobs are awesome! I have no idea why I am writing this at all. This isn't probably something that should get posted so it might be one of those non posted drafted ones that I allow certain people to read. Boobs boobs boobs! C cup, i thought were my favorite but after minor research cough I realize that they are just as bad as D cups. B cups are where they are at. At that size everything seems to be more proportionate and it just makes the girl look way better.3 girls I dated had some sort of this cup 3 of the 7 mainly because I do not know the others. I do not think this is a coincidence that it was like this. I seem to like short girls that have boobs that I can hold. Not only that I like girls that have great personalities. That is a HUGE must, after I decide that they have a good personality or not then comes the beauty. Beauty not from the outside but beauty from the inside. Beauty that you cannot see but only can feel. You feel like you are a better person when you around them, the feeling that they are the only thing in the world and would do anything for them. Beauty from the outside is just a small part of it but by being able to see the beauty of the inside then you can see from all around and that is what makes a relationship even better. thus you would be able to last longer and be happier. I never look for a girl for a short term relationship. I look for someone that I actually want to be with for a long time, that's the reason why whenever I break up with someone or vice versa it hurts a little more than it should. Three years ago was the first time I had a true decision to make that would affect how I was today. I was just a little boy that didn't know much about pain. I made the wrong decision, the decision that I actually regretted. I chose someone that was more sexually open than someone that I cared about way more. Every once in a while I wonder how we would be right now if I didn't make such a stupid decision. Would we still be friends? How close would we have been. and  Why was I such an idiot?

If Anyone Could Answer These, That Would Be Great