Tonight I experienced a different kind of love. When Love is brought up in a sentence usually it is either joking love or "true love" I would describe this love as a friend but could be more friend love. A platonic love is what it would be called. I have this love for her and it is obvious that I love her and she will always have a special place in my heart. She doesn't know this but each time we show affection towards one another, it actually really helps me. It's a lot harder to explain why or how but its like how one may say sometimes the chase is better than the catch but in my case it would be the other way around. OOOOOOOOO LIGHTING!!!!! ..and THUNDER!!!!! THUNDDDDDDDDDDDDRRRRRRRRRRR. ok Im done now. It helps bring closure on one area. but
OMG her lips! they are to die for, She has these lips that are always so tempting. There are not too big where it's like look at me I want attention lips nor are they the lips that are not there. She has the perfect size lips for teasing people with. She is an interesting woman in my life. She helps me "try" new things, things that are out of my comfort zone. She makes me try new things. Tonight was a different night, tonight we did something that was done before but as said earlier they help bring closure on a chase that I went on for many years.
I had/have/had? this thought for the longest time that when you, im going to use the word "butterfly" because it is a synonym for this word, but I had the mentality that when you butterfly more than twice, it was like you were using them or vice versa because it was like one wanted a relationship and the other different. What I never considered was the fact that maybe neither party wants to be in a relationship and that the feeling they have with each other was mutual. Now everything has changed and I do not know what to think.
Which brings me to my next topic, Kissing. Kissing is something that has been around for hundreds of years dating back to the roman period. When I think of kissing, usually the first thing that comes to mind is love but some times there is no love upon it but little did you know, kissing does more than show passion towards one another. First off, If you kiss for more than 3 minutes it helps fight stress and it effects. The longer the kiss is the better because longer kiss trigger the chain of biochemical reactions which destroy stress hormones.So kissing is a great stress reliever and not only that it is great for the self esteem as well. It makes you feel appreciated and helps your state of mind. When you give a person a smooch, you use 2 facial muscles but when you kiss someone then you are using all 30 facial muscles and help bring blood flow to the face which results in a smoother more pretty face. Lastly and my favorite one, kissing reduces anxiety and stop the "noise" in your mind resulting in a more calm and peaceful person. This is my favorite because if you have read the other post you would know that I sometimes suffer from depression and this is a great method to help overcome it. Here are some other facts you might not know.

- Long kisses are beneficial to the circulatory system. When kissing, your pulse rate is quickening up to 110 beats per minute. This is a great training for our cardiovascular system.
- The lungs are kissing are worked harder resulting in 60 inhales per minute compared to the regular 20 inhales a minute. This results in preventive measure against lung disease.
- While kissing, natural antibiotics are secreted in the saliva. Inside the saliva contains a type of anesthetic that helps relieve pain.
- Those who kiss their partner goodbye each morning live five years longer than those who don't.
- Kissing burns 2-3 calories a minute and can double your metabolic rate. By kissing for at least 20 seconds a day 3 times a day, you can lose an extra pound.
- Kissing can cure the headache and lastly they can cure hiccups as well!
Who knew that kissing could do so much. It make sense though because every time it was done, I felt so much better and it got me out of my mood into a more happy mood. They produce endorphin and are a great stress reliever as well as a pain reliever. But what a kiss helps me the most, is the feeling that someone out there cares for me. It makes me feel like I actually am not the only one out there.
Sometimes I just need to kiss someone and i LOVE bubbles!(;